Thursday, March 20, 2008

Rethinking Education

This is the theme of BYU Idaho. But have they really been rethinking education? Donald came to visit me and attended all but one of my classes. He was disappointed, angry actually, at the curriculum that all of my classes had. A lot of them are focused solely on the gospel, even science. How do I feel about it? I LOVE IT! I feel as though it makes things easier, and I feel like I can understand them better when you can revert back to the gospel, but have I really learned about things of this world? Yes, I have learned so much about the church, where it stands on certain issues and how I should base a lot of my beliefs. But when I talk to Donald I feel like no, not at all. He is so smart (this could partly be due to the fact that he is 8 years older then me). He informed me tonight he learned much of the things he knows in his early years at college. He has also visited his brother at BYU in Provo and says that they don't refer to the gospel nearly as much as we do. We are a private university and I believe we should talk about the gospel, but has BYU Idaho be WAY too focused on educated their students about the gospel? I know that when it comes to things of the world I mostly only know about how we can relate it to the gospel. I don't really know what to think right now because I have never met anyone who really thinks the education up here is lacking (mostly because no one here knows any different). People who might know how it is up here have any thing to say about thi? Is it an issue?


The Borlands said...

Breezy!!! I love ya and tagged ya... so go to my page.. copy and paste and fill in your answers :)

Em Levy {orange + barrel} said...

I hate to say this but I 100 percent agree with your boyfriend. I transfered out, but law school is totally different. Its good in some ways, but I look at my bf education at UCLA and it just was so different.