Friday, April 4, 2008


We have been discussing technology a lot in my science class lately, mostly fears have been brought up.  People are under the impression that as our technology increases we will become more "socially retarded."  I think it is a possibility but I also disagree.  As our technology has increased we have been able to communicate with more people and people from around the world.  Think back to the 1800's, people and their interaction with others was limited to letters, letters that take a long time.  Then I think about technology, education and the lack there of--through education human interaction has increased.  People are more willing to share their opinion and are gaining a better understanding of the world.  I think that if we allow it technology to take over our lives it will and eventually control us, maybe help us become more "socially retarded."  Its all about balance.  NO matter what happens in the future we still have control over our lives.  


Lindsey from The R House said...

all i know that there used to be a time when we would go out to dinner as a family and actually talk to the people with whom we were eating. nowadays, you're lucky if you even get eye contact for all the texting that is going on.

it bugs.

i am going to have a strict "no cell phones at the table rule" with my kid (hopefully kidS) because it drives me bananas just like my parents had a "no singing at the table rule" since my singing drove them bananas. (probably because i just kept singing the same line over and over again. you know how that is. it's one the reasons we were meant to be family.)
